Nerve Disorders
Explore the many variants
Nerve disorders can affect most major areas of the body
The nerves of the body report what touches your skin and about the health and status of your muscles and bones. The reports are carried by sensory nerves headed back to the spinal cord and brain. Motor nerves are the wires that allow the brain and spinal cord to operate the muscles. Any of these nerves can be injured or impaired in a variety of ways. In many cases, the problem is essentially mechanical, a pinched nerve for instance. If that is the case, the problem can be fixed by releasing the nerve from its pinch or entrapment.
The most common type of nerve disorder/entrapment is carpal tunnel syndrome affecting the median nerve at the wrist. Another common entrapment is cubital tunnel syndrome affecting the ulnar nerve at the elbow. Many physicians take care of these two types of problems. However, many other types of nerve entrapment can occur affecting the neck, shoulder, arm, hand, low back, buttock, leg, and foot. Often, it is difficult to find a specialist to help with these many different types of nerve entrapment.
At Neurological Injury Specialists, we understand that there are a variety of nerve disorders and entrapments that can be difficult to diagnose and treat. Dr. Aaron Filler and NIS use the most advanced techniques including obtaining MR Neurography studies from The Neurography Institute and using Open MRI guidance to confirm diagnoses and apply targeted treatments.